Smart List

Smart Lists are components that enable the quick addition of lists made up of existing content. Items like News, Events, Announcements, FAQ, etc can be quickly added to a page.

Step-by-step guide


  1. In the Site Planner, with a page selected, Click on the Edit Region Area.

  2. Click on the Lists Tab in the bottom of the right Sidebar.

  3. Double Click on the News Item from the list, for example.

  4. Select a Style from the Style Dropdown.

  5. In the Tags tab, select any relevant tags to be associated with the list, if any. Click on the arrow to add it to the right side of the list.

  6. Click Save.

  7. A Smart List is created with options to add spaces above and below, as well as Edit and Delete buttons.


Smart List Buttons

Circle NumbersButtonDescription
1Insert Space AboveInserts a Paragraph space above the Smart List.
2Insert Space Below

Inserts a Paragraph space below the Smart List.

3EditEdit the existing Smart List.
4DeleteDelete the Smart List.
When a Smart List is saved to a page and previewed on the front end, it's styling will fit the look and feel of the site.