
The Facilities work space contains Records that are organized by “Type”. For example a Fitness Center is a “Type” of record. 

In the Facilities work space content types are listed in the left panel. Clicking on a content type will display a list of all records, based on your filters, in the main content panel (right side).

From the Master records you will be able to add Spaces, such as rooms, courts, etc.  Please note, complete records are essential to good reporting and will later be linked at the Activity Catalog and Calendar levels.  

Considered a Facility, not a Space if:Space

An area or building within an installation that is managed by the Fitness program

Is it a standalone structure/building, Stand-alone = New Facility and in Same Building = Space.

Is it outdoors?

Does it have more than one Space within it?

An amenity/feature within or directly adjacent to a Facility. If it’s indoors or access is restricted by another facility there’s a good chance it’s a Space.