Delete Instructor

Deletion Restrictions

If the Instructor has future Activity sessions assigned you will not be able to delete the Instructor. 

Note: You can see if they are assigned anything in the future by double clicking on their record and sorting their assigned Activity sessions by Start Date in descending order.

 Step-by-step guide to delete an Installation instructor

  1.  Open the workspace selector by clicking on the three line menu icon in the upper left corner of the system.
  2.  Select Personnel.
  3. Select Instructors on the left panel.
  4.  Single click on the Instructor you want to delete and press the Delete key on your keyboard or hover over the Instructor and hit the "Trashcan" icon on the right side.
  5. If there are not any future assigned Activity sessions linked to the Instructor you will get a popup to confirm the deletion before it can proceed. Click the "Yes" button and the instructor will be removed from the list.